Exciting New Benefit Offering for Cobra Allies Clients!
COBRA Allies, a leading provider of COBRA Administration, Premium Billing, and Compliance support, has partnered with Human Interest, a 401(k) provider for small- and medium-sized businesses, to add an affordable retirement service to your benefit offering.
COBRA Allies believes in partnership and carefully chooses who we partner with. We believe strongly in supporting small businesses do what they do best while we remove the burdens of COBRA Administration. Our partners must bring value to our clients and must share our values. Human Interest does both and we are proud to partner with them.
Human Interest eliminates the burden of managing a 401(k) plan with easy setup and administration, recordkeeping, and streamlined onboarding for employees. A top rated 401(k) provider on Google, Human Interests works with over 7,000+ businesses and has a 70% participation rate (2x the industry average).
We’re committed to our customers, that’s why COBRA Allies is excited to partner with Human Interest in making affordable retirement plans accessible to people in all lines of work.
Interested in learning more? Contact COBRA Alliesat service@cobraallies.comor PartnerSales@humaninterest.com or visit humaninterest.com.